Album of the Week: The New Pornographer's "Twin Cinemas"

Friday, May 06, 2005

Anatomy of a PR Nightmare: The Marquette Gold Debacle

by Gene

All of this really started back in 1993, when students and alumni were told by university president Reverend DiUlio that Marquette University was making the decision to break away from their decades old nickname of Warriors. Why? Political correctness of course. The Marquette emblem featured the head of an Indian and apparently, this was insensitive to some tribes. At least, that’s what Rev. DiUlio claimed. Of course, not once had there ever been a protest or picketers lining up at the university proclaiming their hatred of the name “warriors”.

So, instead of simply changing the mascot and “symbol” of the Warriors, the mighty Reverend in his hi-powered will of God decided a change was needed. He asked students to propose new names. Weeks went by and out of nowhere, students were given a vote: Lighting or Golden Eagles. Period. Any write-in votes would be thrown out. Any Warrior votes would be thrown out. When questioned how the university went from over 2,000 suggestions down to 2, the school acted with the hubris that seems to emanate from the steeples of Gesu Church today.

“A board of 25 people narrowed the selections from 15 to 2” we were told. And laughably, students were told that the final selections were based on their creativity and originality…never mind the fact that a team in Marquette’s own athletic conference had the exact same nickname (Southern Mississippi) and the Tampa Bay NHL team also carried the name Lightning.

The rest, they say is history. Which brings us to today’s sorry state of affairs at Marquette.

For 10+ years, alumni and students failed to identify with the Golden Eagle name and chicken-hawk-like mascot; so much so that at last year’s commencement address, key MU alumni pledged $1 million to the school if they would go back to the Warrior name. And so, the great debacle began.

Oh, Marquette claimed to be interested in doing the right thing for the school. They even went so far to give that impression to alumni and students by having them complete surveys that went into specific details about the feelings of Golden Eagles vs. Warriors. And hence lay the problem.
From the get go, this was a Golden Eagle vs. Warrior problem…at least that’s how it was communicated. Every debate centered on either/or. It didn’t talk about “o.k., now what if we were to introduce a third option that nobody knows about”.

In January and February, the school held focus groups with alumni and probed even further about their opinions. Based on the comments and outrage of people who participated in these focus groups, it is clear that they were lead to believe MU was leaning toward dumping the Golden Eagle name and going back to the Warrior name, but not using a human mascot or logo. At no time did the school present to focus groups the name “gold” or another third option. Again, public perception was that it was going to be Golden Eagles or Warriors.

Now here we all sit today. Thousands of alumni and fans throughout the country pissed off beyond all belief with the new Marquette name – the Marquette Gold. Making matters worse today is the school board’s insistence that “that’s that name, period.”

Like most matters with the church today, the decision also screams of hypocrisy. MU President Father Wild claims that the church teachings will not let them use a “discriminatory” name like Warriors, yet this same school turns it’s back to “traditional” catholic teachings by allowing a ROTC program and gay and lesbian groups. So which is it MU? Are you a conservative, church-lead school? Or, do you just pull out those beliefs when the time is right for a copout?

We’ll see about this new name. Protests are planned today on campus by thousands of students and fans. Local Milwaukee radio stations and all newspapers have been lambasting the school and the board for the last 48 hours. And, most importantly, the names of the 38 board members – who voted unanimously in favor of Gold - are available on the MU website ( Needless to say, upset fans and locating names of the board members and letting them know via email that they’re boycotting their businesses.

Like most things in life, money talks. The more threats and the more money that gets pulled from the Jesuit’s and the Board’s coffers is the only hope for change. Letting MU know you won’t be donating any longer will also help matters.

As mentioned earlier, it is clear by the comments of the board that their hubris is what lead to this awful decision. MU board member Anne Zizzo said on the news that “this is exactly what we expected, it’s marketing 101” and that “people will eventually love this decision.” That comment could easily be swept under the rug, if it weren’t for the fact she’s the President of Zizzo Group, a PR and communications firm.

I wonder if Ms. Zizzo is aware of one of the six cardinal precepts to change attitudes:

Don’t offend the people you seek to change.


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