Tom DeLay - F-ing Hypocrite
I learned something today, boys and girls. You see, there's a difference between being aided into death.
See, if you don’t receive "air" or your kidneys can't "operate", you will die. So, by "depriving" a body of air, or by depriving it of functioning kidneys via a dialysis machine, you will die. Terry Schiavo is TOTALLY different.
Here, you see, they are depriving the body of food and water, leading to sure "death". And, her eyes are open. So, boys and girls, if your eyes are open and you are in a vegetative state, it's completely different than being in an unconscious state in a similar condition.
Yes, I can see now. These are two totally different cases all together.
Tom Delay is a f-ing hypocrite. Politics. All about politics and placating the psycho religious right. Happy Easter sinners.
Year's Ago, DeLay's Father Taken Off Life Support
WASHINGTON, March 27 - Representative Tom DeLay, the House majority leader and a driving force behind the Congressional effort to spare Terri Schiavo's life, was confronted more than 16 years ago with his own agonizing end-of-life dilemma and agreed to withdraw life support from the patient, his father, according to a report Sunday in The Los Angeles Times.
The newspaper reported that Mr. DeLay's father, Charles Ray DeLay, 65, a drilling contractor, was severely injured in 1988 in an accident at his home in Canyon Lake, Tex.
He was testing a backyard tram he had built to carry family and visitors down a 200-foot slope toward the lake when the tram jumped the track, throwing him headfirst into a tree.
The account said that Mr. DeLay suffered multiple injuries, including kidney failure, and that his wife, Maxine, and their other children made the initial decision to withhold kidney dialysis and other treatments when it became clear that he could not recover. Representative DeLay, at the time in his third term in the House, did not object, the newspaper's report said.
Mr. DeLay, now the Republican leader of the House, has been at the center of Congress's efforts to intervene in the Schiavo case and has taken an unusually public role.
In a meeting before the Family Research Council, a conservative Christian group, Mr. DeLay linked the Schiavo case to a broader attack on both him and the conservative movement in general. In press releases and statements on the House floor, he spoke of Ms. Schiavo in explicitly religious and moral terms.
"Congress has a legislative and moral duty to do what we can to protect her," Mr. DeLay said on March 17, after the House passed a measure intended to prevent the withdrawal of Ms. Schiavo's feeding tube. "Her life is being threatened, and we have it in our power to act on her behalf. Every human life deserves at least that much."
A spokesman for Mr. DeLay did not return telephone calls or an e-mail message on Sunday.
However, Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, said that Mr. DeLay did not act inconsistently, and that the congressman's father could not be compared to Ms. Schiavo, who was receiving no medical treatment other than nutrition and hydration through a feeding tube.
"Two different situations," Mr. Perkins said. "With Terri Schiavo, there was no plug pulled, there was no respirator taken away from her. She was simply by court order deprived of food and water."
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