Album of the Week: The New Pornographer's "Twin Cinemas"

Monday, March 21, 2005

Looking Forward

The future sometimes can be bright, and frightening. In a few years, who knows, I may have a family. I may have a new job. I may have neither. But one thing is certain. At some point, I'm going down. No, not to Florida, but to the big burning fire on the corner of 6th and State. Yes, I'm talking about the crematorium. Who decides when I go there, however, may not actually be my decision, though. At least, it appears that way what with the current Sciavo case in Florida.

In case you don't know, Ms. Sciavo has been in an eggplant-type state for roughly 15 years. Her husband claims that she never wanted to live like this. Her parents say that she should be kept alive by all means necessary. And the GOP, well…other than believing that you can get AIDS from tears or sweat (Dr. Bill Frist), well they simply can't keep their hands off this case. After all, the Christians are watching. The Christians are watching.

So, in another act of pandering to their "core" base, the GOP is making decisions for the family. They are trying to get a feeding tube added back to Ms. Sciavo's daily regimen of blank-staring, smiling, and eyes-opening exercises. Why? Because her parents want her alive.

How sad. And whether you think she should be alive or dead isn't even the main issue. The fact that the House and Senate (and President) are all willing to intervene into such a personal, family matter is frightening. At a maximum, the state government should be involved in this.

Then again, when your governor's name is Bush and you lose, you do what comes naturally: option a) cry to daddy. Option b) cry to Dub-ya.

And so that brings us to where we are now. A media and political circus.

I can only hope that one day when I go, my wishes will at least be fulfilled by family members and not by any political right-wing agenda. I guess it's time to make sure my wishes are in writing, if not, look what could become of me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The key point in all of this is to make sure you have a living will in place. If that were the case for Schiavo, we wouldn't have to listen or hear anything from the growing circus surrounding her situation. It would be clear what she wants done. So who do you believe...her "husband" that has severed all ties to his wife, moved on and started a new life, or her own flesh and blood that simply wants to care for her? People are quick to stand up for the "husband" but what about her family having absolutely no say whatsoever? That doesn't make a lot of sense. The family is offering the husband a clear way out - he can wash his hands of any responsibility and never have to think of her ever again if he doesn't want to. Why isn't he taking it? Does he have something to hide? You do make a valid point, however. The government shouldn't stick their nose in this with last-minute legislation. It should be handled in court. But, again, none of this would be happening if she had a living will in place.

3:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her parents gave up responsibility for this decision when she said "I do". Why isn't he taking their offer to 'wash his hands of any responsibility'? Because he doesn't want to leave his wife's life in the hands of parents who don't know how she was willing to live! He's taking responsibility for his wife's life. It's his choice - not her parents and especially not the State's.

Why is everyone so involved in a situation they know nothing about!?!

8:10 AM


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